Information on enrolment in subsequent years

Attendance to PhD implies a full-time commitment: if other activities outside the PhD are conducted intensively, it is provided, however, the opportunity to ask the Board of Teachers an opinion on the possible work compatibility.

For the academic year 2015, the income limit, for those who receive the scholarship, has been set at € 16,000.00 gross per year, referred to the calendar year.

Moreover, as established by Italian Act 476/1984, as supplemented by Art. 52, paragraph 57 of Italian Act No. 448/2001, a public employee admitted to a PhD, who holds a position without a scholarship or who declines the scholarship itself, may ask for a leave of absence, retaining the financial compensation and pension paid by the public administration where the work relationship has been established. In any case, Italian Act No. 448/2001, Art. 52, paragraph 57 applies as interpreted by the Circulars of the Ministry of Education, University and Research No. 120/2002 and No. 15/2011.
Finally, there is the possibility to interrupt the attendance to the PhD course in case of maternity and military or civilian service (both national and European, as well as, of course in case of disease).

Receivers of scholarship must attach the following documentation to the enrolment application for the subsequent years:

  • duly signed photocopy of the identity card; for non-EU citizens, it is mandatory to attach a photocopy of the passport and a copy of the residence visa;
  • receipt of the regional fee for the right to university study. Payment of the regional fee* must be by bank transfer in the following ways:
    beneficiary: Azienda al Diritto agli Studi Universitari di Chieti
    amount: € 140.00
    Servicing bank: Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna - Filiale di Chieti Scalo (CH)
    IBAN: IT94K0538715501000000567625

It is announced that the insurance policy for accidents and civil liability will be stipulated by the University and its annual premium of € 20.00 will be deducted from the first instalment of the scholarship.

in caricamento