Enrollment in the single-cycle master's degree in Medicine, based on a nationally programmed number according to the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 1, lett. a) and by art. 3 of Law 2 August 1999 n. 264 (rules on access to university courses), is subject to passing an admission test. The admission test is carried out at the national level based on the provisions of ministerial decrees relating to the methods and contents of the admission test to university courses and access programmed at the national level. The planned number with accessibility to the first year of the course is defined, in accordance with national legislation, taking into account the resources in terms of teaching staff, tutors, classrooms, pre-clinical teaching laboratories and beds of the clinical structures necessary to achieve the educational objectives of professionalism. To be admitted to the admission test and, after passing the test, to matriculation in the Degree Course it is necessary to be in possession of a Diploma of Upper Secondary School or other foreign qualification declared equivalent. The single-cycle Master's Degree Program in Medicine and Surgery involves the acquisition of 360 University Formative Credits (CFU), divided into 6 years of the course, and corresponding to 5500 hours of training, according to the European directive 2013/55 of 20 November 2013, of which at least 60 are intended for training activities aimed at acquiring and maturing specific professional skills. Each ECTSU / ECTS corresponds to a 25-hour student commitment, normally no more than 12.5 hours of lectures in the basic disciplinary, characterizing and related fields, or assisted theoretical-practical teaching (seminar, laboratory, exercise), or 25 hours of assisted study within the teaching structure. Each professional CFU (training and orientation internships) corresponds to 25 hours of frontal teaching, as well as to each CFU for the activities chosen by the student and for the final exam. The degree course in Medicine and Surgery is organized into 12 semesters and 36 exams (35 compulsory integrated curricular courses and 1 course including didactic activities chosen by the student). The Student is required to attend the formal, non-formal and vocational training activities of the Degree Course provided for by the Educational Regulations and by the Study Plan. Attendance is compulsory and is verified by the Professors adopting the assessment methods established by the Degree Course Council (CCdL), on the recommendation of the Technical-Pedagogical Commission (CTP). The certificate of attendance at the compulsory teaching activities of a teaching course is necessary for the student to take the relative exam. The final objective of the Master's Degree in Medicine is to train a surgeon of initial professional level equipped with the scientific base and theoretical-practical skills necessary, according to directive 75/363 / CEE, to practice the profession. The educational project aims at training a Medical Doctor prepared to face complex health problems with a biomedical-psycho-social culture, with a multidisciplinary and integrated vision of the most common health problems and of illness, with an education oriented towards the community, the territory, the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. This mission responds adequately to the new demands of care and health, as it is centered not only on the disease, but above all on the sick "individual", considered in his globality of soma and psyche and inserted in a socio-cultural context, having therefore the ultimate goal to know how to take care of the patient. In our university the student is an active fundamental component of the educational process, a resource in which to invest and to exploit. From this point of view, guidance and tutoring activities are strongly encouraged by the Degree Course, both with the organization of additional in-depth educational activities and professional orientation, and with the availability of teachers-tutors for all the different scientific disciplines and of senior students for peer-to-peer tutoring. The Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery is organized with a view to harmonious and progressive integration between the basic, characteristic and related subjects present in the 6-year course. The basic and preclinical biomedical sciences, placed in the first course, constitute a solid biomedical cultural base focused on the scientific methodology and on the knowledge of molecular, morpho-functional and physiopathological processes and of biological complexity aimed at the knowledge of the structure and function of the organism human. The acquisition of solid clinical, diagnostic and methodological knowledge and skills develops progressively over the years, including, through tutorial teaching and clinical internships, which transform theoretical knowledge into clinical skills through personal experiences, encouraging acquisition not only of technical skills and communication skills, but above all of a correct scientific mentality, associated with clinical reasoning, to the critical sense applied to different medical problems. The didactics, based on the application of the pedagogical rule of "knowing how to be" medical as well as of "knowing" and "knowing how", enables the student to "learn to learn" to undertake a process of knowledge and acquisition of a method that will have to accompany him in his profession throughout his life. The exams are both traditional, oral or written, but also multiple-choice tests or short written answers based on problems or clinical cases of an interdisciplinary nature and are supplemented by practical tests to ascertain the acquired clinical skills. Profit checks are scheduled during periods of interruption of frontal teaching activities and, when positively overcome, entitle the acquisition of the corresponding CFU / ECTS. The exams can be articulated - in addition to the traditional methods of oral examination or written examination - also in a sequence of items useful for verifying acquired knowledge (knows and knows how) such as multiple choice tests or short written answers organized for problems or clinical cases of an interdisciplinary nature, followed by useful exams to ascertain the acquired clinical skills, such as the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (shows how) or the mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise, the Direct Observation of Procedural Skills and the use of the Portfolio (does). The Maastricht-type Progress Test is used in student assessment to assess the actual competence achieved. Once the experimentation phase has been completed, the Progress Test will be used systematically not only as a measure of students' competence, but as an efficient tool for feedback, continuous self-assessment and comparison of the preparation of students on a national scale. The expected learning outcomes are defined by integrating the European Descriptors (5 Dublin descriptors) with what is proposed by the Institute for International Medical Education (IIME), Task Force for Assessment, and by The TUNING Project (Medicine) Learning Outcomes / Competences for Undergraduate Medical Education in Europe. The student has the opportunity to participate in internationalization study programs abroad (Erasmus + and Erasmus + Traineeship) or internships in national and international universities / research centers under agreement (Free Movers). After obtaining the Master Degree in Medicine and Surgery, the passing of the State Exam for the Qualification as Medical Doctor-Surgeon is required. Graduates can therefore continue their training at the Specialization Schools in the medical, surgical area or by attending the specific training courses for General Practitioners necessary for the subsequent enrollment in a Specialization School. Furthermore, in line with the European Community Directives, graduates in Medicine and Surgery will be able to operate in all countries of the European Community, in the Swiss Confederation and in the SEE Area (Island, Liechtensten, Norway). Link: http://www.med.unich.it/corsi-di-laurea/medicina-e-chirurgia (website of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery)