General objectives:
Putting the student in a position to assist patients from the clinical and diagnostic examination phase up to the application of the global dental treatment, integrating the knowledge acquired in the different disciplines and giving the students an overview of the profession not separated from the legal medical implications that characterize the modern profession.
Special Objectives:
The Clinical Examination units (1), Compilation of the medical record (2) and Diagnosis (3), have the objective to put the student in the conditions to perform the examinations necessary for the evaluation of the patient's problems and to compile and use a accurate clinical record, in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
In the treatment Plan units (4) the student must acquire the knowledge to treat the clinical case globally, develop a treatment plan appropriate to the patient's health and socio-economic conditions and perform all the phases of the treatment.
The Unit of Patient Education (5) aims to stimulate in the pupil the need to transfer certain knowledge to the patient, highlighting the importance of education to correct oral hygiene and the maintenance of the benefits obtained with dental treatment.
In the unit of Organization of work (6) the student must learn to apply the principles of the ergonomics of the profession, understanding how this knowledge can derive an increase in productivity and one's own psycho-physical wellbeing.
The Unit of Presentation and Discussion of clinical cases (7) aims to enlarge the area of clinical experience, with the practical application of the knowledge acquired through the years of study. Furthermore, the student wants to develop the ability to communicate in a clear form the treatment he intends to accomplish, exposing him to his colleagues.
The unit of General notions (8) aims to revive some topics that normally present greater difficulties of assimilation by the students, together with others presenting some novelties in relation to the teaching already given.
The teaching strategy is based on:
1) Theoretical lectures in the classroom, using the audiovisual means deemed most appropriate.
2) Practical lessons characterized by demonstrations of clinical procedures and work organization, as well as seminars and discussions on various topics to choose from time to time based on the needs of the students.
Clinical examination of the patient:
The doctor-patient relationship (emotional control and techniques of psychic relaxation), medical history, physical examination, execution of photographs and complementary radiographic examination, biopsies, request for auxiliary laboratory tests, execution of fingerprints and development of study models . Odontostomatological semeiotics.
Compilation of the medical record: informed consent.
Treatment plan:
Design and implementation of the treatment plan considering the general health conditions of the patient and his socio-economic condition, preparatory steps of the treatment phases, calculation of the estimate, possible corrections of the initial plan, collegial discussion.
Patient education
Patient education on the importance of oral health, proper home hygiene, periodic dental visits.
Work organization:
The current legislation on occupational and environmental risks.
Disposal of special waste.
Hygiene of the working environment and sterilization of the instruments.
Principles of ergonomics in the design of the dental office, its administrative and social security management, the concept of marketing.
Organization and rationalization of work; increase in productivity without compromising quality.
Computerization of the study and examination of a typical management software.
Clinical cases:
Presentation and discussion of clinical cases, application and integration of experiences and specific knowledge of the different disciplines of the course, development of the diagnostic capacity, planning and execution of the treatment plan, participation in group discussions to expand the area of clinical experience.
Concepts of general dentistry:
Topographical anatomy of the splanchnocranium
The drugs commonly used in odontostomatology. Resuscitation principles and emergency therapy