"G. d'Annunzio"
Understanding the normal and pathological patterns of growth, including fetal development and post natal development. Notions of newborn screening, vaccination and most common illnesses of childhood.
Understanding the normal and pathological patterns of growth, including fetal development and post natal development. Notions of newborn screening, vaccination and most common illnesses of childhood
Normal and pathological growth. Vaccinations. Neonatal screening. Diabetes and ketoacidosis. Psychomotor development and Epilepsy. Bronchial asthma and respiratory tract infections. Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic diseases. Acute and chronic diarrhea and celiac disease. Urinary tract infections and glomerulonephritis. Oncohematological diseases. Neuromuscular diseases.
Manuale di pediatria T. Lissauer, W. Carrol Manuale di Pediatria Generale e Specialistica. M. Bonamico
Frontal lessons
Oral exam con two-three open questions on arguments treated during lessons. The evaluation consists of: knowledge on definitions and differential diagnosis and treatment with particularly interest on nursing procedures.