"G. d'Annunzio"
Basic Knowledge of biology
Acquire anatomy skills on the stomatognathic apparatus. At the end of the course the student is able to recognize the structures of the stomatognatic apparatus and their organization the morphofunctional organization. Particular attention will be paid to the functional anatomy of the temporomandibular joint and to the innervation and vascularization of the stomatognathic apparatus.
Systematic study of the skull, the structure of the temporomandibular joint, the innervation and vascularization of the stomatognathic attachment. Particular emphasis is placed on the correlation between form and structure and function, useful tools for clinical practice
Morphofunctional organization of temporomandibular articulation: chewing muscles Oral cavity (walls and contents), Tongue, major and minor salivary glands, pharynx Organization of the Central Nervous System. and Generalities on cranial nerves. Encephalic nerves: V, VII, IX, X, XII. Vascularization of the stomatognathic apparatus: internal maxillary artery (collateral and terminal branches)
Anatomia Funzionale e Clinica dello Splancnocranio, Fonzi L., Edi-Ermes
Anatomia Orale di Sicher, Dubrul Lloyd E. , Edi-Ermes
Atlante di Anatomia - Odontoiatria e Medicina, Tillmann - RC Edizioni Scientifiche
Atlante di Anatomia, Netter
frontal lessons
Oral test
Prof. Angela Di Baldassarre receives students by appointment via e-mail. Her office is located in the Biomorfology section of the Department of Medicing and Aging Sciences. Building D, level 1. Tel. 0871-3554545 e-mail a.dibaldassarre@unich.it