"G. d'Annunzio"
Provide the student with the protocols for the management of the patient with special needs
Management of the patient with special needs: dental care and psychological approach - Dental anomalies - Systemic Consequences of poor oral health - Periodontal disease in the hospitalized patient - Oro-dental and maxillofacial trauma prevention in the hospitalized patient - Precancerous and traumatic oral lesions - Oral pathology in the paediatric patient
TEXTBOOK "Igiene orale personalizzata.Trattamento dei pazienti con patologie sistemiche e portatori di Handicap" Abbinante et altri Elseiver Masson 2002
The teaching is structured in 20 hours of frontal didactics with multimedia support.
The level of learning achieved will be evaluated with a final exam consisting of an oral test aimed to ascertain the level of knowledge reached on the theoretical contents indicated in the program.
Office hours: Monday 10-12am, phone 0871-3554083 room 11, 2nd floor, 3rd level, building A, at istologia implantare lab. In addition to weekly office hours, students can always contact via email apiattelli@unich.it