Study texts (for attending and not attending students):
A. BROGLIO, Introduzione al paleolitico. Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1998.
Dispensa consegnata a lezione.
Research materials:
W. BASS, Human osteology. Missouri Archaeological Society, 1987.
D. BROTHWELL, Digging up bones. Cornell University Press, New York, 1981.
L. CAPASSO, K. KENNEDY, C. WILCZAK, Atlas of occupational markers on human remains. Edigrafital, Teramo, 1999.
G. HAUSER, G.F. DE STEFANO, Epigenetic variants of the human skull. Schweizerbart, Stoccarda, 1989.
M.Y. ISCAN, K.A.R. KENNEDY, Reconstruction of life from the skeleton. Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, 1989.
D.J. ORTNER, W.G.J. PUTSCHAR, Identification of pathological condition in human skeletal remains. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1981.
C. ROBERTS, K. MANCHESTER, The Archaeology of disease. Sutton Publishing Limited, Stroud, 2005.
D.H. UBELAKER, Human skeletal remains. Excavation, analysis, interpretation. Taraxacum, Washington, 1989.