Prof. Alfredo Brancucci (2 cfu)
Perceptive consciousness: neurobiological bases. Visual consciousness. EEG, brain rhythms, wake, sleep and dream. Qualia. Investigation techniques of neuroscience applied to consciousness. Integrated information theory, complexity, artificial consciousness.
Prof. Piero Di Carlo (2 credits)
Consciousness and complexity. The physical approach to complex systems. Order and disorder: the concept of entropy. Consciousness according to classical physics: entropic and syntropic models of consciousness. Consciousness according to quantum physics. Computational models of consciousness.
Prof. Enzo Forlano (2 cfu)
Epistemology of consciousness: objective aspects and subjective aspects. Consciousness and the unconscious. Constructing the contents of consciousness: the basic mechanisms. Consciousness and higher cognitive functions. Consciousness and emotions. Neural correlates of states of consciousness.