The educational goal for the student is to reach the following learning outcomes:
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and the adequate instruments to comprehend and analyze the complicated international legislative framework which regulates the international trade.
The analysis of the legislative and regulatory aspects that regulate the international trade of goods
plays a major strategic role for the national production system; a corporate lawyer for the internationalization represents, in this respect, a key figure with a view to the development of business compliance, and such a role requires transversal competences of coordination.
With regard to the distinguishing features of the international corporate lawyer, the teaching objectives emphasize the following points:
- Systems of customs classification and characterization of the goods at international level and at Union level.
- Trade within the WTO framework: Most favoured Nation Clause, Free Trade Agreements, Customs Union.
- Protection international systems within the WTO framework (antidumping, anti-subsidy, additional duties, etc.)
- Customs regulations of the European Union, with particular reference to the constraints and opportunities included in the legal framework designed by the Union Customs Code and its amending and implementing acts.
- Origin of the goods in the international trade (preferential customs origin, non preferential customs origin, made in).
- Customs value of the goods, with particular reference to the subject of the intangibles (royalties, design, transfer price, commissions, etc).
- Embargo and restrictions to export and import.
At the end of the class, the student is going to have the necessary knowledge to comprehend the main technical and operational issues relating to various functions carried out by logistic and cross-border trading companies, such as administration, commercial development, operational and strategic planning , logistics. Furthermore, the student will be able to comprehend and to solve the main issues of corporate and economic nature that characterize the consultancy activities in favor of the companies engaged in the processes of globalization of the markets, of internationalization of businesses and of delocalization of the production activities.
The students must be able to communicate in a logical manner and with clarity of presentation the topics and the contents of the course, combining both a technical and a managerial and logistic terminology, and thus contributing to the solution of operational problems concerning the companies’ activities on the international markets.
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