Docente: Domenico DI MICHELE
Anno offerta: 2020/2021
Corso di Studio: 669M - Economia Aziendale - Professione
Anno regolamento: 2019
CFU: 9
Settore: SECS-P/09
Tipo di Attività: B – Caratterizzante
Anno di Corso: 2
Periodo: Secondo Semestre
Sede Pescara
Dipartimento: DEC
Office hours: after class time students are received for further information; for communications use the e-mail address.
Second semester
The course provides students with the tools of knowledge of the world of corporate finance, as well as a systematic framework related to theoretical and practical methodologies and applications as well as an analysis of operational tools aimed at deepening the degree of knowledge and understanding of economic performance. financial institution. The course aims to: deepen the aspects, techniques and foundations of corporate financial decisions; to address and analyze the fundamental aspects of corporate finance with particular reference to financial planning; to analyze the investment and financing valuation tools, the choices related to the financial structure, the growth strategies and the creation of value to arrive at the analysis of the strategic aspects of extraordinary finance. In particular, the criteria for assessing the economic viability of the investment projects and the main financing instruments of the company and the issues related to the methods of assessing the economic capital of companies (Discounted cash flow and multiples method) and the techniques will be discussed financial risk management.
The 6 CFU module aims to provide a systematic picture of the financial function and financial structure, analysis of financing and investment decisions, analysis of the "risk and debt capital structure", risk-return analysis, analysis of business development needs, the analysis of the value of investments and the strategic motivations of recourse to risk capital and debt capital, the dividend policy. It also has the purpose of dealing with techniques for analyzing financial decisions and collecting information useful for analyzing, reading, understanding the elements collected and assessing the state of the company in the individual profiles (solidity, liquidity, profitability, development and crisis) in overall financial economic terms
The 3 CFU module aims to deepen the acquisition processes in the strategic and operational aspects, the growth aspects, the typical advantages of acquisitions, the growth and critical aspects of the process, the management of the negotiation, the transition from value to price , identifying the objectives of sellers and buyers, economic and financial profiles, evaluation of synergies, price analysis, due diligence, restructuring of companies in crisis.
Recommended text books:
- Aswath Damodaran: Finanza Aziendale, Ed. Apogeo
- Valter Conca, Le Acquisizioni, Ed Egea
- Domenico Di Michele: Dispense sui metodi di interpretazione della dinamiche aziendali e sulla valutazione dello stato dell’azienda.
- Lucidi proiettati durante il corso.
Lettura ed approfondimenti: - A. Dessy e Jody Vender: Capitale di Rischio e Sviluppo di Impresa, Ed EGEA; A. Dessy: Capitale di Debito e Sviluppo di Impresa, Ed. Egea; R. A. Brealey, S C. Myers, S. Sandri: Principi di Finanza Aziendale, Ed. McGraw-Hill;
Learning assessment procedures: Both during and at the end of the course, optional written exercises can also be carried out online in order to acquire bonuses to be accumulated for the final vote. The final exam will be oral and will be carried out in pre-established appeals.