The students should read these texts entirely.
Attending students:
1) Giuseppe Cambiano, Luca Fonnesu, Massimo Mori, Storia della filosofia occidentale, voll. 3 e 4, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
The competence for the exam consists of knowledge of the entire III volume, except for chapters 10 and 11, and of knowledge of the chapter I in volume IV.
2) René Descartes, Discorso sul metodo, a cura di E. Garin, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2019.
Non attending students:
1) Giuseppe Cambiano, Luca Fonnesu, Massimo Mori, Storia della filosofia occidentale, voll. 3 e 4, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
The competence for the exam consists of knowledge of the entire III volume, except for chapters 10 and 11, and of knowledge of the chapter I in volume IV.
2) René Descartes, Discorso sul metodo, a cura di E. Garin, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2019.
3) G. Mori, Cartesio, Carocci, Roma 2016.