The Pathology Department:
Histopatology, Surgical Pathology, Histochemistry and
Immunohistochemistry. The Pathology Department:
Cytology: conventional smears and thin prep preparations, cytology of effusions, fine needle aspiration.
The Pathology Department:
Usefulness of ultrastructural analyses in tumour pathology, molecular biology applied to cytological and histological specimens in tumour pathology
Cellular and tissue pathology: atrophy, hypertrophy, metaplasia, dysplasia, anaplasia, in situ carcinoma, invasive cancer characteristics and nomenclature. Lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Breast cancer and importance of the sentinel lymph node Female genital apparatus: cervical cancer and tumours of the body of the uterus and prevention.
Non-neoplastic and neoplastic intestinal polyps, colon cancer. Thyroid cancer and needle aspiration.
Skin tumors
Ovarian tumours