Introduction and methods in cognitive neuroscience.
Cognitive neuroscience: a neurobiological approach to cognition
Brain perturbations that elucidate cognitive functions
Measuring neural activity during cognitive processing (EEG, MEG, PET, fMRI)
Sensory systems and perception.
Visual processing, perception and object recognition
Sound processing, perception and localization
The mechanosensory systems (cutaneous/subcutaneous and pain)
The chemosensory modalities (olfaction, taste, trigeminal chemosensation)
Motor system.
Organization of the motor system
Coding movements
Planning single and sequential movements
Sensorimotor coordination
Basal ganglia, motor control and cognition
Cerebellar contributions to motor coordination and cognitive behavior
Behavioral and neuroscientific studies of attention
Auditory and visual spatial attention
Attention and nonspatial stimulus features
Attention and multisensory perception
The control of attention
Skill learning
Cellular mechanisms of memory
Declarative memory: models and neural substrates
Memory consolidation
Psychological classification
Early neurobiological theories
Contemporary neurobiological approaches
Interactions with other cognitive functions
Regulation of emotion
Social cognition
The self
Perception of social cues
Social categorization
Understanding the actions and emotions of others
Social competition
Theories of language
The neural bases of language
Noninvasive studies of language organization
Genetic determination of language functions
The origins of human language
Executive functions
The prefrontal cortex
Establishing and modifying behavioral rules
Control: matching information and rules over time
Working memory
Decision making
Reward and utility
Uncertainty: risk, ambiguity and delay
Social context
combining and comparing information to reach decision
heuristics in decision making
Evolution and development of cognition
Brain development
Linking brain and cognitive development
Evolution of brain development
Evolutionary specializations of brain and behavior
Hemispheric specialization
Anatomy of the hemispheres
Splitting the brain: methodological considerations and functional consequences
Hemispeheric specialization
The evolutionary basis of hemispeheric specialization
Split-brain research as a window into conscious experience
Consciousness and free will
Consciousness: anatomical orientation, neuroscientific definitions, neural models
Abandoning the concept of free will
Law, responsibility and punishment from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience