The course aims to study the integrated tools provided for the management of the business information. In particular, it aims to study the evolution of the Business Information Systems with a special focus on the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, traditional, extended and advanced.
These training objectives are linked to the following learning outcomes.
Knowledge and understanding - The Course aims to provide to the student knowledge and capabilities on the issues of the Business Information Systems. These knowledge and capabilities are obtained through the participation in frontal lessons, and self and guided study
Applying knowledge and understanding – The student during the Course is encouraged to use e-learning cooperative and collaborative tools (e.g. e-learning platform) for facilitating the capability of discussion on the topics of the Business Information Systems. The applying knowledge and understanding appear through the critical reflection of the students on the content of the books proposed for the self-study and is stimulated by the classroom activities. The topic of the application of the XBRL languages, instead, is analyzed by some illustrative examples of the use of the XBRL for the accountability and the financial and not financial communication
The course studies the following topics:
- The Business Information System (BIS)
- The contribution of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the process management
- The evolution of the BISs and the ERP systems
- The inter-company relationships and the extended ERPs
- The Information Systems for the strategy
- Choose and manage an ERP project for small business
- The Business Information System (definition, objectives, and requisites of the BIS; the Information Production Process; the BIS for supporting the business activities; the XBRL language for the corporate financial communication)
- The contribution of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the process management (definition and classifications of the process; Process Management, Business Process Improvement, Business Process Reengineering, the Venkatraman Model)
- The evolution of the BISs and the ERP systems (EDP, MRP, CIM, ERP)
- The inter-company relationships and the extended ERP (CRM, SCM, B2B operators, and services)
- The Information Systems for the strategy (BI, BSC, SEM)
- Choose and manage an ERP project (ERP implementation, the cycle time of an ERP in the small business)
CANDIOTTO R., (2016): Il sistema informativo dell’azienda nell’ambiente digitale, Giappichelli, Torino. Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6
REA M.A., VALENTINETTI D.: (2009), XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) e reporting finanziario d’impresa. Quadro conoscitivo e prime riflessioni, Aracne, Roma
Additional teaching materials (slides, notes, articles, reports, etc.) are available on the dedicated e-learning platform (
Classroom lessons and the use of an e-learning platform ( for the shearing of teaching materials, e-mail, and message, news and communications related to the content of the Course and the exam
Knowledge and understanding – The verification of the training effectiveness is entrusted to a written session done at the end of the Course. In particular, students who have attended the lessons must answer to some writing questions (open-ended questions) on all the learning units provided in the program and analyzed in the classroom (one question per learning unit). We constantly try to interact with the students during the lessons in order to check their progress in terms of knowledge and skills acquired, also through the use of the e-learning platform. The evaluation of the written test is expressed in thirtieths. The verbalization of the vote takes place only for those students who have at least achieved a sufficient assessment in this preliminary session (at least 18/30).
In an official date of the exam, however, the same written session is followed by a further oral session for verifying the ability of the students (even those who have not followed the Course) to discuss the issues addressed during the course and studied in textbooks and teaching material provided by the teacher on the e-learning platform. Both the written and oral session are evaluated in thirtieths. In an official date of the exam, the oral session is allowed only after having passed the preliminary written session with at least sufficient evaluation (not less than 18/30). The overall evaluation, always in thirtieths, takes into account the evaluations of both sessions. The oral examination serves to better define the vote by evaluating the ability of students to interact successfully on the topics and to discuss some detailed aspects that had not been adequately explored, and consequently evaluated, in the written session
Applying knowledge and understanding - During the examinations (written and oral sessions) the students' ability to apply the theoretical notions on the BISs is verified through empirical case study selected by the teacher. Also, the topic of XBRL represents an application of the general theoretical notions on the topics of BISs for financial and management accounting. The verification of the capability of the students to discuss the benefit of the use of the XBRL for the accountability and the business communication will be done both during the written session, both during the oral session, with an open-ended question specifically dedicated
Student support: Wednesday at 11:00 -13:00 a.m.