Professor: Giacomo Cavuta
Master Degree Course: CLEC/M (9 ECTS)
Affiliation: Department of Economic Studies (DEc)
Phone number: +39 085 4537579
Email: giacomo.cavuta@unich.it
Office days and hour: Friday 09:30 - 11:30
Semester: first
Aims: The student will be asked to understand the territorial transformations at a regional and global extent, depending on the respective level of the economic development. The student will acquire expertise in terms of critical understanding of the development theories and the related social and spatial analyses. The student will be able to evaluate the roles of public and private stakeholders in regards to the territorial organization at different extents. The student is also expected to analyse and understand the territorial planning policies. The student will also acquire the basic skills about the instruments for urban planning in terms of landscape safeguard and planning.
Introduction to the geographical analysis.
The issue of the development – approaches and models.
Environmental geographies of the development.
Population, mobility and culture.
Localization, regional development and geography of the asymmetries.
Local development, cluster and regional innovation systems.
Cross-national economic networks and global governance.
Urban centrality and relationships with the rural spaces.
The "clear" territory: between rules and indifference.
Landscape: regulations and plans.
Reference books:
1. Bignante E., Celata F., Vanolo A., "Geografie dello sviluppo. Una prospettiva critica e globale", Torino: UTET Università, 2014.
2. Canevari A., Palazzo D., "Paesaggio e territorio. Strumenti di pianificazione e modi di governo", Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2008.
Didactic methods: Frontal classes, exercises and case studies, seminars.
Evaluation methods: The skills' assessment will includes a final oral interview that will focuses on the topics covered during the course and as indicated in the program.