Lesson 1: Introduction to editing and various creative techniques. Introduction to the basics of Adobe Premiere Pro software. Image and music editing exercise.
Lesson 2: Deepening of Adobe Premiere Pro software features (material selection, introducing timeline options). Exercise of images and music editing. Excercises verification with students.
Lesson 3: Deepening of Adobe Premiere Pro software features (shortcut tools, timeline material processing). Exercise "montage of the real" on documentary materials of the teacher.
Lesson 4: Deepening of Adobe Premiere Pro software features (audio-video synchronization). Excercises verification with students. Beginning tutorial on film editing.
Lesson 5: Deepening of Adobe Premiere Pro software features (creation of titles and basic effects). Completion of film editing exercise. Excercises verification with students.
Lesson 6: Deepening of Adobe Premiere Pro software features (overview of advanced features). Last film editing exercise. Exercises verification with students.