"G. d'Annunzio"
General knowledge of computer science devices and technologies and their use in a clinical setting.
Basic computer science knowledge. The Office software (Word, Excel). Digital images.
Main hardware and software features of a PC. Algorithms. The Binary system and information codification. Digital images. The operating system. Common software packages (Word, Excel, Power Point).
Slides used during lessons.
INFORMATICA MEDICA Editore: McGraw-Hill Autore: A. Rosotti Anno: 2015 ISBN: 978-88-386-7484-6
Classroom lessons and exercises.
The verification of student’s knowledge consists of a written test with multiple choice answer options related to the entire program with a possible subsequent oral integration at teacher’s discretion. The total scores (30) will be divided according to the questions presented in the examination. The final score is given by the sum of correct scores to the individual questions. The duration of the written test is about 50 minutes (for the entire integrated course).
Office hours: students can be received at the end of each lesson or making a specific appointment (tel: 0871/3556940; e-mail: antonio.ferretti@unich.it).