Information Technology Today (Introduction to Information Technology, Information Systems, Software and Data, Algorithms and Data Structures, Information Technology in Business and Industry, Information Technology at Home and in Leisure Time, Information Technology in School, Information technology in entertainment and art,
Information technology in the fields of science, engineering and mathematics, Copyright and copyleft, Innovation)
Computer architecture and the CPU (Types of computers, the basics of modern computer science: the binary system, digital signals, bits and bytes, Boolan algebra, logic circuits, from Turing to von Neumann, computer anatomy, the microprocessor, memories, buses, communication with peripherals, CPU and memory interaction
Input / output devices (input / output devices, keyboard, direct input devices, graphic input, more advanced technologies, pointing tools, resolution, fonts, colors, screen, printing, 3D printing )
Secondary memories (data storage, storage devices, backups, smart cards)
The operating system (software, user interfaces, operating systems, file management, utilities, core software)
Application software and documents (application programs, use of word processing programs, from hypertext to e-books, spreadsheets: use and functions, software licenses)
Open source (the history of open source, free software, open source, philosophical aspects, the advantages of open source, models, Linux, Office open source, open source in the social)
Networking: computer networks (computer networks, classification of networks, corporate networks, local networks, network topologies, network technologies, ISO / OSI stacks, network protocols, connection between networks, concept of bandwidth, connections try broadband, network computing, file transfer and sharing, network applications, communications between individuals, group communications)
Internet: innovative services and social revolution (WWW, multimedia on the net, search for information, contactless payments, social networks, smart revolution, Internet of things, singularity is near)
Cloud computing (The paradigms of cloud computing, the services of a cloud infrastructure, cloud computing in everyday life, cloud computing at work)
Multimedia processing (multimedia, multimedia tools, multimedia on the net)
IT in the workplace (IT in the company, transaction processing, IT tools for business management, IT applications, e-commerce, IT out of the office, GPS)
Programming and systems development (programs, programming languages, procedural languages, programming methods, program development, enterprise systems development, HTML, XML, and markup languages, programming techniques, programming perspectives, programming for the web: HTML)
Databases (Introduction, database models, relationships, databases, visits, queries, data warehouses, data mining, big data, open data, data journalism)
Information security: techniques and legislation