- contents
The course aims to provide some basic knowledge related to the training and evolution of the discipline and proposes, through a case study, an experience of reading and interpretation of the modalities of contemporary territory through the identification of the forms and materials of which it is composed.
To this end we propose two didactic modules that include theoretical insights and comparisons with practical experiences:
Module 1 - the techniques
1.1 a cycle of communications related to the reading and drafting of basic and thematic maps
1.2 a cycle of communications to introduce some notions related to the most common urban planning techniques (parameters, indices ...)
Module 2- Neither city nor countryside: the new "city form"
The case study aims to bring students closer to the new forms of the city of which the periurban is, today, one of the most problematic places.
In addition to the inherited forms of the compact and intensive city, the urban condition incorporates discontinuous settlement morphologies different in shape and density in close contact with the edges of the agricultural and natural landscape. The recent disciplinary history of urbanism has progressively recorded and accepted in its interpretative apparatuses the problematic nature of this new urban status: not only settlements in which meshes are residues of agricultural mosaics or agricultural soils in marginal areas that resist the forces of urbanization, but complex landscapes in which the open, rural and natural space, traditionally unrelated to the urbis form, composes economies of relevant parts of the territory. Some practices try their hand at a planning and regulatory dimension that underpins the new relationship of mutual utility between the city and the countryside, welcoming both agricultural landscapes with high economic value or witness and ordinary ones.
The approach to the theme will be articulated through a cycle of communications related to the most significant experiences in the national and international field and a work on the case study of the city of Pescara and the surrounding areas.
- reference texts
1. Agriregionieuropa, anno 12 n°44, Mar 2016
2. Ottavia Aristone - Raffaella Radoccia, Territorio Vino Agricoltura. In Abruzzo, L’Altralinea, 2014
3. Piero Camporesi, Le belle contrade, Il Saggiatore, 2016
4. Clément Gilles, Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet, 2005
5.Donadieu Pierre, Campagne urbane. Una nuova proposta di paesaggio della città, Donzelli, Roma, 2007
6. Viviana Ferrario, Governare i territori della dispersione. Il ruolo dello spazio agrario, www.planum.net
7. K. Lynch, L'immagine della città, Marsilio, Padova 2006
7. Urbanistica Informazioni 269-270 Rassegna: Forme del Periurbano. Suoli Usi e Vocazioni1.pdf
8. Patrizia Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma, 2001
- specific bibliographic material related to the case study.
During the lessons, specific bibliographic indications will be provided for further study
of the individual topics covered.
- Sources and documents
The cartographic materials and the urban plans related to the case study are provided in digital format.
- training objectives
The course aims to provide students with the concepts and tools to understand urban and territorial phenomena and the main tools of the discipline.
The objectives are divided according to the three teaching modules proposed.
- teaching methods
The course consists of a cycle of ex cathedra lessons and of an exercise activity carried out in the classroom and at home.
Module 1 - the techniques
- manual drafting of maps - geomorphology, clivometric, land use and settlement morphologies - using the basic, thematic and historical maps, as well as the consolidated descriptions and other sources provided (ref. biblio text Alberto Magnaghi);
- exercises in the classroom with the use of indices and parameters (text reference Patrizia Gabellini).
Module 2- The new "city form"
- drafting of five tables related to the study area (ref. Biblio text Kevin Lynch)
- methods for verifying learning
During the year, intermediate checks are carried out on the level of learning related to practical activity (drafting of maps and urban planning exercises). The in-depth analysis of the scientific literature, chosen by each of the proposed texts, and the processing capacity related to the study area will be verified through an interview at the end of the semester.