Università degli Studi Gabriele d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara
Corso di laurea in Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Classe L23 – Scienze e Tecniche dell’Edilizia
A.A. 2021 - 2022
Programma del Corso di Urbanistica [AI598] relativo al Corso Integrato di Gestione del Territorio [AI709]
Prof. Antonio Alberto Clemente
Anno di Corso – Secondo CFU – 6
Placement in the training project
The Urban Planning course [AI598] is part of the Integrated Course of Land Management [AI709] and is located in the second semester of the second year of the degree course in Construction Engineering (L 23 - Building Sciences and Techniques). The main objective is to introduce the student to the knowledge of the main conceptual and methodological tools of urban planning for the description and interpretation of urban and environmental structures with specific reference to the geomorphological characteristics of the territory.
Educational goals
The Urbanistic course aims to provide the framework of basic knowledge needed to describe and interpret cities, territory and landscape. This general purpose will be pursued through specific lessons, exercises and insights on:
- contemporary city;
- urban planning legislation;
- urban planning technique;
- urban theories.
The specific objective of the course is to introduce the student to a first experience of urban planning, mainly in the residential area, within which it is possible to:
- know the main normative references;
- acquire context interpretation methodologies aimed at the urban project;
- experimentally experiment with a methodology for the elaboration of an urban planning project of medium complexity.
To achieve the training objectives, the course avails itself of the collaboration of Ing. Angelica Nanni.
Articulation and contents of the course.
The course is divided into:
1. The lectures that will mainly concern: the definitions of urban planning, the process of formation of the contemporary city, the relationship between project and context, introduction to national and regional legislation with particular reference to legislation concerning urban planning, environment and landscape, notes on main theories of urbanism from Ildefonso Cerdà to Bernardo Secchi.
2. The laboratory activities are subdivided into exercises (in the classroom and at home) and intermediate checks.
2.1 The exercises pursue the objective of introducing the student to the elaboration of a planning project of medium complexity. The interpretation of the territory will develop on two closely connected floors: the cartographic representation and the crossing of the city. The cartography will be the support to identify differences and similarities between the various parts of the consolidated city. The crossing, which will follow paths agreed with the teaching, will serve to begin to distinguish the main characteristics of the places and the urban spaces.
2.2 Intermediate checks will be three. The dates will be agreed in class with the students.
First verification. Note the index of territorial manufacturability and the area of intervention, the student will have to calculate the main urban parameters identifying the number of buildings corresponding to the expected residential volume.
Second verification. The student must graphically represent the volumetric volumes of residential construction and understand how the design varies according to the different types of building.
Third verification. Note some data the student will have to calculate all the urban planning parameters necessary to design the planivolumetric of a public residential building.
3. The end-of-course project deals with the topic of urban-scale intervention with particular reference to those areas of Pescara subject to a detailed plan. The aim is to introduce the student to the elaboration of an urban planning project of medium complexity.
Online course
The main topics covered in class will be available on a Facebook page specifically dedicated to the course
Class timetable Office hours Exams
The exam will focus on an individual interview based on: Lectures Intermediate assessments End of course project
La bibliografia essenziale di riferimento è organizzata per gruppi tematici in relazione all’articolazione e ai contenuti del corso.
I principali testi di riferimento (rispetto ai quali a lezione verranno indicate le parti da studiare) sono i seguenti:
Neil Brenner, Stato, spazio, urbanizzazione, Guerini scientifica, Milano 2016;
Antonio A. Clemente, Riletture. Città e teorie dell’urbanistica, Kaleidon, Reggio Calabria 2012.
Antonio A. Clemente, Urbanistica senza termini in Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servizio del paese, Planum Publisher, Roma- Milano, 2017;
Françoise Choay, La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino 1973 (1965);
Giancarlo De Carlo, Paesaggio con figure (intervista di Francesco Karrer), in Giancarlo De Carlo, Gli spiriti dell’architettura (a cura di Livio Sichirollo), Editori Riuniti, Roma 1992.
Paola Di Biagi (a cura di), I classici dell'urbanistica moderna, Donzelli, Roma 2009;
Falco Luigi, L’indice di fabbricabilità, Utet, Torino 1999;
Patrizia Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2001;
L. Gaeta, U. Janin Rivolin, L. Mazza, Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, Città Studi Edizioni, Novara 2018:
- parte terza: Cap. 20 Il progetto urbanistico (pp. 399/411), Cap. 21 I nuovi orientamenti del piano (pp. 413/431);
- parte quarta: Governo del territorio: piani e politiche on line);
Indovina F. (a cura di) con Fregolent L. e Savino M. (2006), Nuovo lessico urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Italia V. (2012), Urbanistica. La pianificazione urbanistica, la normativa edilizia e il governo del territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.
Secchi Bernardo, Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, Roma – Bari 2000.
Secchi Bernardo, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, Roma – Bari 2013.Altri riferimenti bibliografici, materiali di lavoro e approfondimento specifico saranno forniti a lezione.
For further information on the topics related to the course we recommend the following sitography: