Extended program
The course of Urban Planning concerns a program of multiscalar urban regeneration aimed at improving urban performance in terms of the offer of infrastructures, facilities, public spaces of relationship.
Reference texts
General bibliography
Franzen J. (2019). La fine della fine della terra. Torino: Einaudi.
Hazen R. M. (2012). Breve storia della Terra. Milano: Il Saggiatore.
Gabellini P. (2010). Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria. Roma: Carocci.
Gabellini P. (2019). Le mutazioni dell’urbanistica. Principi, tecniche, competenze. Roma: Carocci.
Gosh A. (2017), La grande cecità. Il cambiamento climatico e l’impensabile. Vicenza: Neri Pozza.
Perrone C., Russo M. (a cura di – 2019), Per una città sostenibile. Roma: Donzelli.
Safran Foer J. (2019). Possiamo salvare il mondo, prima di cena. Perché il clima siamo noi. Torino: Einaudi.
Specific bibliography (year theme)
Borlini B., Memo F. (2009). Ripensare l’accessibilità urbana. Roma: Cittalia-Fondazione ANCI ricerche.
Colville-Andersen, M. (2018). Copenaghenize. The definitive guide to global bicycle urbanisme. Washington: Island press.
Deromedis S. (2019), Il manuale delle piste ciclabili e della ciclabilità. Venezia: Ediciclo.
Donati A., Petracchini F. (2015). Muoversi in città. Esperienze e idee per la mobilità nuova in Italia. Milano: Edizioni Ambiente.
Fleury D. (2012). Sicurezza e urbanistica. L’integrazione della sicurezza stradale nel governo urbano. Roma: Gangemi.
Istituto Superiore di Formazione e Ricerca per i Trasporti ISFORT (2018), 15° Rapporto sulla mobilità degli italiani, Roma.
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ISPRA (2018). XIV Rapporto Qualità dell’ambiente urbano. Suolo e territorio. Roma
Legambiente (2018), L’A Bi Ci - 2° Rapporto Legambici sull’economia della bici in Italia, Roma.
Maternini G. (a cura di, 2012). Mobilità ciclistica. Metodi, politiche e tecniche. Forlì: Egaf.
Parkin, J. (2012). Cycling and Sustainability. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Sipes, J.L. (2010). Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources: Policies, Planning, Design, and Implementation, New York: John Wiley & Sons 2010.
Slaney, S. (2016). Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments. Melbourne: The Images Publishing.
Tira M., Zazzi M. (2007). Pianificare le reti ciclabili territoriali. Roma: Gangemi.
Ufficio Studi Confartigianato (2019), Artibici 2019
Artigianato e filiera della bicicletta, Roma.
United Nation (2015), Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, New York
Urban Land Institute (2015), Developing resilience. Living with water strategies fro Greater Boston, Boston.
Sitography (theme of the year)
Bergen Jensen M. (2015). Climate Resilient Cities. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOd4vOKPzEg] City of Copenhagen (2011). Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan. [https://international.kk.dk/artikel/climate-adaptation]
City of Copenhagen (2012). Cloudburst Management Plan 2012. [http://en.klimatilpasning.dk/]
City of Copenhagen (2016). Copenhagen Climate Resilient Neighbourhood. [http://www.klimakvarter.dk/] Comunità Europea (2011). Progetto Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode. Linee guida PRESTO. [http://www.rupprecht-consult.eu/]
European Cyclist’ Federation (2016). The EU Cycling Economy. Argument for an integrated EU cycling policy. [https://ecf.com/sites/ecf.com/files/FINAL%20THE%20EU%20CYCLING%20ECONOMY... 0res.pdf]
Learning goals
The training course has the objective of acquiring the ability to elaborate a complex urban project, controlling it in its normative and physicalmorphological aspects, with particular attention to
the performances verified in terms of sustainability (environmental, social and economic-administrative feasibility).
You cannot take the exam in Progettazione Urbanistica if you have not taken the exam in Urbanistica 2.
Didactic methods
The course consists of didactic contributions of a theoretical nature (with reference to the key-topics of the multiscalar urban regeneration) and technical-methodologicalcontributions concerning the methods of reading, interpretation and planning of the territory at the various scales. The course takes the form of a design exercise constantly guided by the teacher and tutors. Examples of good practices will be provided, as well as graphic references.
Other information
The course takes place in the first semester.
Coerentily with the national law for coronavirus emergency, the course will be in e-learning mode.
Assessment check
Final exam consisting in the exposition and discussion of the works produced in the laboratory, as well as in the exposition and argumentation of the disciplinary contents taken from the lessons and the bibliography.
Key words
Cycle network
Slow mobility