Università degli Studi G. D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
Dipartimento di Architettura di Pescara
Corso di laurea in Architettura
Corso del 4° anno – A.A. 2020-2021
Prof. Carlo Pozzi
Arch. Giovanni Rasetti
This year's Composition 4 course again addresses the planetary dimension of the informal city, analyzing and carrying out project proposals on the Dharavi slum in Mumbai, on which the workshop (4 credits) of September 2020 and the exercises will take place course plans (10 credits) in the second semester (2021).
Project themes
September 2020 workshop _the treshold of the Slum
Composition Course 4_innovative residences in the Dharavi slum in Mumbai
The course will deal with the theme of the informal city, built by slums.
Dharavi is an extensive informal settlement in Mumbai, a city that today has more than 18 million people and where 15% of the total inhabitants of the Indian "slums" live.
The history of the city and its evolution up to the current form bring out two fundamental questions: on the one hand, the phenomenon of informality, the result of continuous immigration, stratifications and expansions, in its social and economic relationship with a continuously growing metropolis.
On the other hand, the ecological problem of a city built on land taken from the sea, weak in the face of the violent monsoon floods that mostly affect informal settlements.
The first part of the work will consist of an analysis of the project area, trying to highlight not only technical-structural, but also social and cultural aspects, which can support intervention ideas. The main elements of analysis will be the different road flows (pedestrian, neighborhood and high-traffic), areas intended for public green areas and the differentiation of commercial and pedestrian areas; the most consolidated areas will be identified, which present pre-existences to be maintained.
The masterplan will keep all this information together as different mosaic tiles, adding buildings designed to make them as suitable as possible for the project area, intended for interventions of new residences.
Buildings will be designed that can adapt to the methods of self-construction: the programmatic hypothesis is that the inhabitants would be provided with a basic structure with bamboo beams and pillars, while for the infill part a solution with wood, adobe and vegetable textures would be suggested , to be carried out at the discretion of the individual inhabitant. We will reason by organizing the thought starting from some keywords and the most significant projects that can refer to:
Complexity, Hybridization, Iconicity, Formal-Informal, Prefabrication, Reversibility, Reuse and Recycling, Vacuum-Fluidity-Porosity, collective space, infrastructural space, natural space.
Type of teaching
The mode is mixed:
- projection of videos on contemporary architecture - European and Indian - relating to social housing and discussion of issues related to the informal city;
- ex-cathedra lesson on the themes of the program, including online invitations from architects who have worked on these themes and these areas (TAMassociati, Berni, Studio Mumbai;
- discussion tables around the themes of the project.
The revisions are in the first collective part, then intermediate seminars will develop, finally individual revisions.
Attendance is mandatory: verification is done through frequent deliveries and collective seminars on the progress of the project.
The tables required to take the exam will be 3 in A1 format and will include:
- preparation of the masterplan 1/1000 scale - planovolumetric 1/500
(with functional diagrams, cross section, study model)
identification of critical issues, system of mobility and connections, system of public spaces, relationships between settlements and nature
_ urban-scale project
Accommodation area scale 1/200 - in-depth sections 1/50
(general plan, plans, elevations, sections, 3d views, construction details, study model)
Lecture cycle
The cycle of lessons will be articulated according to differentiated contributions aimed at widening the pool of awareness in relation to the complexity of the design process:
- 1st. Conferences and invitations
On the theme of the informal city, on issues of urban eco-compatibility, on social housing in emerging countries;
- 2nd. Architecture video
Architectures created in modernity and contemporaneity on which to engage a reflection linked to the specificity of the project within the slums;
- 3rd. Ex-cathedra lessons
The contemporary physical and cultural scenario in which the project is located. The methods for identifying the context and the interpretation criteria are suggested: the urban history and the current characteristics of the area (transformation tools - plans and projects - methods of use).
1. AA.VV., The Other City, in Boundaries n. 4, Roma 2012
2. Secchi B., La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, Bari 2013
3. Moroni S., La città responsabile, Carocci, Roma 2013
4. Pozzi C., Il clima come materiale da costruzione e altri scritti su Le Corbusier, Libria, Melfi 2015
5. Manigrasso M. (a cura di), Brasile. Imparando dalle favelas, Quaderno n. 4 di PPC, LIst, Rovereto 2015
6. AA.VV., The inevitabile specificity of cities, Lars Müller Publishers, Zurigo 2015
7. Manigrasso M. (a cura di), Regenerating Kibera, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2018
8. Fabietti V., Pozzi C., From Sprawl to Slum, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2018
9. Rasetti G., Tensioni. Architetture nei paesaggi, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2018
10. Biraghi M., L’architetto come intellettuale, Einaudi, Torino 2019
Pescara, 6 July 2020