Digital Geological mapping: potentiality, future perspectives, current limitations.
The choice of appropriate device (mobile phones and tablets) applications and operating systems (IOS and Android). Focus on the Midland valley Field-move software installed on Apple Ipad-Pro.
Introduction to FieldMove and ClinoMove; digital mapping workflows.
Perform a Geological Survey through a mobile device:
creation of Projects; import georeferenced topography, thematic maps and schemes (.mbtiles or georeferenced .tif); use of geological survey tools (digital fieldbook, graphic tools to edit photographs and draw sketches; digital compass; definitions of units -with associated colors- and structures -with associated symbols-; plot of planar and linear structures on stereonet).
Processing of field data and model building:
export a project and its data and import them into MOVE suite and in GIS environment;
interpolation of data and construction of a geological map and sections in ARC-GIS; import geological sections and map into a MOVE project; introduction to using Move; model building using maps and sections; integration with subsurface geophysical data; construction of 2D and 3Dmodels and updating of the models in real time;creation and display of attributes.
Development of Geological Models:
Validation techniques to improve geological models; restoration of geological blocks; sequential retro-deformation; forward modeling
Photogrammetric analysis of outcrops (optional - this didactic unit will be given only if the dedicated software will be made available by the department): introduction to photogrammetric software; image acquisition techniques; modeling and construction of three-dimensional outcrops; data analysis.
The Course will be given following a practical approach alternating frontal lectures in the classroom and fieldwork aimed at applying the studied techniques. Its didactic synthesis will be a multiday Field mapping in a deformed area of the Central Apennine thrust and fold belt aimed at collecting geological data and elaborating them in a project including a digital geological map, the associated sections and subsurface 3D model.