M1 - Formal Institutional Module (6 CFU)
Development of the idea of nation in Italy through the affirmation of new institutional and party structures, as well as in the evolution of the relationship between state and religious institutions
The module aims to deepen some significant moments in our national history, both in relation to the formation of a new vision of the State, and through the study of important institutional forces and components in the moment of political reflection and in the influence of daily life.
Bibliographic material:
1) P. Pombeni, Storia dei partiti italiani Dal 1848 ad oggi, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016
2) C. Della Penna, Società e territorio nell'Italia unita, soppressione dei monasteri e liquidazione dell'asse ecclesiastico in Abruzzo, Congedo editore - Galatina (LE) 2016;
3) C. Della Penna, Sentieri e incroci. Storia civile e religiosa nell'Italia meridionale, Galatina (LE) 2019.