The course aims to:
- provide the basic theoretical tools needed for the examination of the industrial sectors, in particular the theoretical paradigm Structure-performance-behaviour (SCP) and the evolutionary models on industrial dynamics; - delve into the tools (statistical and non-statistical) used in the sector analyses, both on the demand and supply side, with particular attention to the effects that the adoption and diffusion of new technologies can generate. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching envisages completing the student's training with notions and tools useful to deepen the aspects that are essential to better understand the behaviour of firms and the functioning of markets. The specialised training of the course of study will therefore be completed and enriched by the following skills: Knowledge and ability to understand The course aims to provide basic training on the main themes of the analysis of industrial sectors, in particular with reference to the basic conditions and structure of the
sectors, the behaviour of companies in the markets, industrial dynamics, the adoption and diffusion of new technologies, economic performance and enable students to learn professional contents on the techniques of demand and supply analysis through the understanding of methodologies and the discussion of case studies.
Autonomy of judgement At the end of the course, students will be able to apply the analytical categories of the reference subject to the investigation of specific case studies and specific industrial sectors, with particular reference to new emerging and high-tech industries.
Communication skills The ability to interpret competitive dynamics in the markets and to relate the analysis of the structure of sectors to the resulting business performance is the main outcome of the course. The student will be able to combine technical and managerial terminology relating to business strategies, and contribute to the discussion of the most interesting elements relating to individual aspects of the structure-behaviour-performance (SCP) paradigm and evolutionary models.