Analyze the health problems of women in their biological-sexual cycle and in particular
know what is meant by disease status and the relationship between disease status and pathological changes.
Know the physical, chemical, genetic and biological factors that contribute to the onset of diseases.
Know the fundamental mechanisms of defense of the cell, tissues, organs and organism.
Know the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms that play a decisive role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases.
Know the main types of neoplasia and the classification criteria of tumors; the molecular basis of benign and malignant tumors in humans.
Know the basic stages of carcinogenesis, and understand the role of genetic and environmental risk factors.
All the above knowledge must help to understand the fundamentals of the pathophysiology to be applied to the different clinical situations of pregnant women, including obstetric-gynecological pathologies.
Knowledge and ability to understand
At the end of the course the student must be able to describe:
• the etiology, mechanisms and cells involved in inflammatory processes
• the phases leading to the onset of a tumoral pathology
• the main genetic diseases
Autonomy of judgment
At the end of the course the student must know how to recognize the main pathologies.
The acquired knowledge will aim to prevent, identify, monitor and manage potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention.
Communication skills
At the end of the course the student have to be able to use a medical-scientific terminology suitable with the role of health professional.