The Architectural Composition 1 course is aimed at studying and understanding the basic compositional techniques for the design of simple architectural organisms. The course is divided into two parts. The first part includes readings and interpretations of elementary architectural references, mainly referring to single-family living spaces. In the second part, those same architectural references form the basis for the design of small living spaces referring to assigned architectural-functional programs.
The architectural space, both in the reading phase, both in the interpretation phase and in the more properly project re-proposal, is broken down into its primary components with particular reference to: horizontal elements, bases, floors and roofs; vertical elements, walls and diaphragms; point elements, warps, structures and connections.
The articulation of the course program has as a training objective, the study of Architectural Composition integrated with the application of construction technologies aimed at the correct use of materials within a basic design experience.
The course will provide the fundamental knowledge necessary for the simultaneous and interdependent control of the various design aspects: the technical-constructive one, the distributive-functional one and the compositional-formal one.
At the end of the course, students must have acquired the basic preparation relating to the knowledge and control of forms, materials and technologies, which are essential for understanding and governing the relationship between idea, design and implementation of architecture.
The Architectural Composition 1 course is presented as the initial design exercise of the study path, integrated with the discipline of Architectural Technologies, for which the attendance to the didactic activities must take into account the articulation of the program in which both disciplines will alternate .
The course will be divided into different seminars, the reviews will be held by tutors together with the course owner according to the dates foreseen in the didactic activity program. The reviews will be individual and will constitute the specific teaching activity of each seminar. In correspondence with the thematic workshops, collective reviews will be provided with the tutors with the course teacher and with the teachers invited to the workshop.
The exams are fixed by the calendar, beyond which no additional didactic activity will be carried out. Attendance to educational activities is mandatory and in itself constitutes a guarantee of admission to taking the exam within the year. Students are allowed to take the exam in single form with the identification of design strategies developed in groups.