Urban Planning, 10 CFU
100 hours
a.a. 2022-2023
Corso A
Design the urban common
(prof. Piero Rovigatti, con Juan David Caceido, Giacomo Di Bartolomeo, Elio Ferritto)
1. Language of instruction: Italian
2. Contents and characters of the course
The course aims to introduce students of the 4th year of the five-year degree course in Architecture to the analysis of the experiences and practices of Urban Planning, through an articulated program of theoretical lessons, didactic communications and analytical and design exercises.
General purposes
The more general purposes of the course, in accordance with the definition given for the sector (ICAR 21), tend to pursue the approach to:
1. “knowledge of the processes of formation and transformation of organizational structures and of the morphologies of human settlements;
2. the related problems of interaction of the settlements with the natural environment and with other territorial contexts;
3. the theoretical definition of the conceptual apparatuses that are proper to the plan and the urban project;
4. the methods, tools and practices of physical planning and design, recovery, redevelopment and reorganization of settlements at all scales, with particular attention to the practices of participation and management of public urban spaces, and of the city understood as " common good ".
Skills acquired
Specifically, the Urban Planning course aims to help develop students' ability to critically approach the discipline, enabling them to:
- “identify, formulate, deal with the themes and problems that the Urban Planning Project deals with, using methods, techniques and adequate tools” (and sufficiently updated);
- know and use the most appropriate "tools and forms of representation";
- discern “on the methodological - operational aspects” (providing proof, for example, of knowing how to develop a work program with autonomy and competence);
- distinguish and analyze the "aspects concerning the technical and economic feasibility" of the project intentions, together with those related to their environmental, social and administrative sustainability.
The purpose of this module is also to introduce students to the understanding of the relationships between building and infrastructural transformations and the more general change of the territorial contexts to which they belong, through the analysis of urban planning and urban planning events linked to contemporary settlement transformation processes. . The ultimate goal of the course is to consider the need and utility of planning and the Urban Project as a tool for controlling and governing these transformations.
In particular, the course intends to strengthen the ability to acquire methods of analysis and interpretation of urban and territorial physical contexts, also in relation to contemporary transformation processes, through an integrated approach that:
- assumes the physical structure as a material expression of the social, economic, cultural, administrative and managerial structures, and the logic of the local and supra-local network;
- invites to deepen the main legislative references and the discipline of the municipal and supra-local urban plan and of the urban planning tools connected to it;
- try to operationally experiment a methodology for the elaboration of an urban project at the urban and territorial scale, according to an integrated and multi-scalar approach, with particular attention to the themes of securing the territory and sustainable development.
Lesson modules
The course is structured in 4 integrated didactic modules, according to the following index.
Module n. 1: Nature and meaning of the Urban Project (1 CFU = 10 hours)
Module n. 2: The urban planning project in the Italian experience (1 CFU = 10 hours)
Module n. 3: The urban planning project in international experience (1 CFU = 10 hours)
Module n. 4: Techniques, tools and representation of the urban project, GIS elements (1 CFU = 10 hours)
Module n. 5 Exercise module (6 CFU = 60 hours)
Module n. 6 (optional module, evening, open to all): Cities, territories, transformation
Audiovisual review on the themes of changing urban landscapes in contemporary Italy (6 events)
3. Basic bibliography
Patrizia Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma 2001
Patrizia Gabellini, Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2010.
Recomended text
Bernardo Secchi, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, Bari, 2013
Sarah Gainsforth, Abitare stanca. La casa: un racconto politico, Effequ, 2022
Enzo Scandurra, Giovanni Attili (a cura di), Il pianeta degli urbanisti e dintorni, Labirinti, Roma, 2013
Elena Granata, Paolo Pileri, Amor loci. Suolo, ambiente, cultura civile. Libreria Cortina, Segrate, 2012
Alberto Clementi, Alla conquista della modernità. L’urbanistica nella storia d’Italia dal dopoguerra a oggi, Carocci Editore, 2021
PLANUM - http://www.planum.net
TERRITORIO - http://www.planum.net/journals-books/territorio
URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI - http://www.urbanisticainformazioni.it
4. Educational objectives
The training course aims to acquire the ability to develop a complex urban project, controlling it in its regulatory and physical-morphological aspects, with particular attention to the performance verified in terms of landscape and environmental sustainability and economic and administrative feasibility.
The course is coordinated (urban theme) with the courses of: Architectural Composition 4, Environmental Design, History of Architecture 3, Architectural Restoration 2.
5. Prerequisites
It is possible to take the course after having taken the Urban Planning 1 and Urban Planning 2 courses.
6. Didactical methods
The course is divided into lectures and individual and group study activities at home.
The structure of the course is aimed at providing students with theoretical and practical notions through three different teaching methods: ex catedra lessons, didactic communications, exercises.
Lessons ex catedra. The lessons are aimed at providing students with the basic theoretical coordinates of the discipline, through the critical analysis of its evolution, up to its current conditions and its future prospects.
The "Didactic Communications", on the other hand, focus on mainly technical topics, and make use of the collaboration of the course assistants, or the presence of qualified external experts, invited in relation to the year's theme of the Laboratory.
7. Other informations
The course benefits from the tools offered through the University Teams platform and a Facebook page:
Urban planning
The page contains the main news and events of the course (conferences, lectures, audiovisual events), together with a collection of information and images to support the exercise (in the Photo, album session). Further information and materials on the activities of the course teacher can be found on the faculty page of the Degree in Engineering and Architecture.
8. Learning assessment procedures
The course provides for constant verification and tutoring of enrolled students, carried out by the lecturer and by the course assistants, in the form of periodic individual and group reviews of the documents produced during the exercise program, together with classroom discussion, at the end of the course. lesson, of the topics covered, according to an open participatory method.
9. Sustainability
The sustainability of the course is guaranteed by the prevalent use of electronic materials, minimizing the use of paper materials and which involve the dissipation of natural resources.