• Evolution of microorganisms and their classification.
• Organization, shape and structure of the bacterial cell.
• Bacterial reproduction; spore production: structure, sporogenesis and germination.
• Bacterial metabolism: energy production, bacterial nutrition.
• Microbial growth: the culture media.
• Pathogenic action of bacteria: in vivo bacterial multiplication and toxigenicity.
• Antimicrobial agents: classification, mechanism of action, mechanisms of resistance to chemoantibiotics and antibiogram.
• Major bacteria of medical interest.
• Fungal cell structure, metabolism and reproduction.
• Pathogenic action of mycetes.
• Antifungal drugs.
• Principal fungi of medical interest.
• Structure and chemical composition of viruses: viral proteins, viral nucleic acid, lipid envelope, virus glycoproteins. Criteria for classification.
• Modes of transmission of viruses.
• Viral replication: mode of penetration, genome replication and synthesis of viral components, mode of release of viral progeny.
• Pathogenesis of viral infection: route of entry, virus spread, cell damage, disease, recovery from infection.
• Antiviral drugs.
• Description and pathogenesis of major viruses of medical interest.
• Control of microorganisms: disinfection and sterilization.
• Nosocomial and care-related infections (ICAs) and importance of handwashing.
• Gastrointestinal infections