During the Course the students will learn the correct grammatical forms of English language, so that they will be able to use the language appropriately. Students will learn the terminology related to geology. Furthermore, students will train their reading skills, a language ability that is useful for them to study and update on international scientific literature.
The Course includes review and use of English grammar. The professor besides explaining the various grammar rules, reserves time for exercises during which students participate in speaking English. The linguistic subjects and the scientific terminology related to geology is studied. Subsequently, reading and in-depth analysis of the various articles in scientific magazines are done, in order to gain a good autonomy in reading, understanding and translating the articles themselves.
Definite and indefinite articles
The use of adjectives
Personal pronouns
Present of the auxiliary verbs (to be - to have)
The use of the subject
Possessive pronouns and adjectives
Reflexive pronouns
Prepositions of place and time
Simple past tense of auxiliary verbs
Present simple (do / does)
Present and past continuous
Imperative and let
To let
Past tense to be and to have
Past tense of verbs (did)
Past participle
Perfect Tenses
Duration form
Future of verbs
Verbs of perception, impersonal verbs
Verbs with auxiliary
Modal verbs
Conditional and subjunctive
Power, duty, will
To have been able, to have wanted, to have had
Reciprocal pronouns
Relative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns
Indefinite pronoun
Comparatives and superlatives
Irregular comparatives and superlatives
Use of the definite article
To be there
It is not true?
Interrogative particles
Translation of a lot, too much, how much
To be born
To like
To say / to tell
To bring, to carry, to take
To look
To get
To do
Cardinal and ordinal numbers
Ways of expressing dates
Ways of expressing time
Measurements and weights
Ways of expressing age
There is - there are
Translation of behold
Both, both ... and
Either ... or
Neither ... nor
Home - house
Gold - golden
Beside - besides
Still, already, not yet, yet
Madam, miss, sir
Seasons, months of the year, days of the week, parts of the day
Main irregular verbs
Linguistic subjects and terminology concerning geology
Structure of a scientific article
Reading of journals and magazines reporting on geology issues
National Geographic
Scientific American
The Scientist. Articles in Scientific Journals in SCOPUS will be studied.
Attending lessons is sufficient for students to learn the subjects in the final examination. As aid for studying students can use any grammar book, as long as it has an ISBN, and the Merriam-Webster English Dictionary.The students can also consult the Internet sites and the scientific journals accepted by the international scientific community.
In-class lessons.
The final exam consists in 30 multiple choice questions concerning the issues discussed during in-class lessons. The students must answer to 18 questions correctly.
The test will be held in the Aula Informatizzata.
I receive students by appointment.
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