Program for 6 CFU:
N.M. Karamzin, “Pis’ma russkogo putešestvennika”, (izd. podgotovili Ju.M.Lotman, N.A.Marchenko, B.A.Uspenskij), Leningrad,1984
A.G.Cross, N. M. Karamzin: a study of his literary career, 1783-1803, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1971; G. Hammarberg, From the idyll to the novel: Karamzin’s sentimentalist prose, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991; N.D. Kočetkova, Literatura russkogo sentimentalizma, Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka, 1994.
The teacher will provide off prints books.
A. Kahn, M.Lipovetskij et al., A History of Russian Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018
R.Bartlett, A History of Russia, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke - New York, 2005.
STUDENTS studying ON THEIR OWN will prepare additional reference works, writing to the teacher: