Module 1: Data Science and Machine Learning
- Introduction to Data Science: Definition, basic concepts.
- The phases of a Data Science project and process management models
- Data Understanding: Sources and types of data
- Introduction to Machine Learning: Definitions and characterization of the main problems and methods.
- Practical introduction to the KNIME platform and first analysis workflow
Module 2: Data preparation / visualization
- Data preparation: problems and practical solutions in KNIME, case studies and practical exercises
- Manipulation, aggregation and visualization of data in KNIME, case studies and practical exercises
Module 3: Modeling
Linear and logistic regression: recalls.
Regression workflow in KNIME: case study and practical exercise.
Classification algorithms and evaluation metrics.
Classification workflow in KNIME: case study and practical exercise.
Clustering algorithms: recalls
Segmentation workflow via clustering in KNIME: case study and practical exercise.