The Drawing and Representation 1 course consists of theoretical lectures and exercises in Descriptive Geometry, an aid to technical representation, and similar theoretical communications and operational exercises in the Drawing and Representation 2 course (Architectural Surveying). The objective of the Course is to provide students with the appropriate tools for an appropriate representation of the existing and what can be devised, through the aid of the three main geometric models that result, by convention, those applied in the representation of the built and the environment. The practical exercises to be developed in the classroom, will have a counterpart, at home, that the students will have to carry out and deliver periodically to the teacher. They will be accompanied by three final tables, in relation to the three geometric models, which will have as subject a building of Contemporary Architecture of the last forty years agreed upon with the lecturer.
The main theoretical topics of the Descriptive Geometry classes are: double orthogonal projections; axonometries; perspectives; and shadows.
The enunciation of operational prescriptions, codes and standards to be applied to existing and project drawing will also be examined, in order to make the student understand the value of technical representation, both traditional, performed by hand, and computer-based, through the use of reduction scales.
Reference text: M. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, Science of Drawing, CittàStudi, 2021.
During the course of the Descriptive Geometry part, students will be asked individually, at three different times of the cycle, to test their theoretical acquisitions. To better cope with the different parts of the Course, students are advised to equip themselves with materials and tools to carry out the graphic elaborations that will be collected in a folder. All materials produced should be reviewed periodically, so as to improve them and enable the student to become more aware of representative methods, and will be handed in at the final interview.