Students will become familiar with major research results in the field of planetary geology in the Solar System. They will also learn that advances in such researches will also help us understand the Earth system.
Geological sciences do not limit their field of interest to the study of Earth. Any planet, characterized by a solid surface, can be studied using the principles and fundamentals of geology, to understand its processes and history. The course offers a comprehensive introduction of planetary geology studies developed over the last 50 years.
The detailed program will be communicated during lectures.
Bibliographical references will be communicated during the lectures.
Lectures/discussions (and possibly seminars, field excursion)
The final exam for this integrated course (GE235 - PLANETARY GEOLOGY AND EXTREME GEOLOGICAL EVENTS, combined GE148 and GE155) will be conducted as oral presentation of a topic selected by the student and it should be related to these courses. The final exam will judge the student in terms of the progress in learning of the courses' subjects, and of the capacity to select a proper topic, add original interpretation and prepare and give a professional-level presentation. The score will be given up to 30 (+lode). Other elements of consideration include attendance, discussions, short presentations, etc. during the courses.