"G. d'Annunzio"
knowledge of elements of the pelvis, perineum and fetus
physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology knowledge of labor and delivery; focus on the current role of the midwife in the birth path and in the birth-puerperium; ability to integrate one's role in a multidisciplinary team in obstetric urgency
physiology, pathophysiology and clinic of childbirth
1- pregnancy management 2-causes-factors-phenomena of childbirth; clinical evolution of childbirth 3 abnormal fetal presentation; afterbirth-postpartum 4-channel dystocia (bone-soft) 5-dystocias mobile body; breech presentation; shoulder dystocia 6-dynamic dystocias 7-afterbirth pathology; postpartum bleeding 8-puerperal pathology 9-managment labor; labour induction 10-vaginal operative birth 11- cesarean section; cardiotocography and biophysical monitoring of fetal well-being
Pescetto-de cecco l'ostetrica di miles manuale di sala parto-alberto valle, salvatore bottino, virginio meregalli, alberto zanini
frontal lesson interactive discussion
Oral exam