Design 1 teaching
2th year (ICAR / 13 - 6 cfu)
A.A. 2019-2020 (2nd semester)
prof. Stefania Camplone
The "Interior Design" (interior design) is the research area of the broader discipline of Industrial Design (Icar / 13) whose application limits confine (and sometimes overlap) with those of "Interior Architecture" (icar / 16) .
In this context there are numerous possible areas of application that require the coordination of a set of project activities and professional figures (first of which the architect and the designer).
Among the various application areas of interior design, that of retail design or retail design appears to be among the most complex, as it requires the coordination of a set of project activities and professional figures (first among which the architect and the designer) designed to communicate to the consumer the value of the brand and the business philosophy of the retailer.
Objectives of the course.
The Design 1 course is part of a broader program of the courses of Industrial Design (icar / 13) within the Single Cycle Degree Program in Architecture. In this perspective, the training objective of the Design 1 course is the deepening and methodological reinforcement of the student towards the design action of an interior space up to the scale of the object of use, in light of the new requests expressed from contemporary society. In particular, the course aims to convey the fundamentals of the discipline, both through a methodological reinforcement of the design process, and through some initial specialist contributions, which communicate the complexity and the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to the design project.
Articulation of teaching.
The Design 1 course is divided into two phases.
A first phase, of theoretical acquisition, allows students to acquire the constitutive concepts of industrial design, also through specialist contributions. In particular, the course will have a specialized orientation referring to "materials and production processes" for design.
Indeed, research into new materials is one of the fundamental aspects for the competitiveness of the industrial product. Their application in the field of design favors product innovation not only from a technical-performance point of view, but also from an aesthetic and communicative point of view. The course therefore offers an in-depth information on plastic materials with particular attention to composites, their aesthetic and environmental qualities, their design and the related manufacturing processes.
A second phase of the design application of the lessons learned, refers to a design experience of interior retail design, on a theme indicated by the professor. This phase will address two fundamental aspects of the design, which are successive and related: it is a preliminary research with the definition of a Mood Board that interprets the design requirements and the development of a Design Concept referring to a retail interior.
The field of project application.
In the evolutionary framework of public and private spaces, a specific area of project application will be identified, referring in a broader sense to the knowledge of the cultural and material processes that relate the exhibition and exhibition systems to the behavioral dynamics of contemporary society. The issue concerning the relationships between spatial demand evolution, interior design and exhibition systems will be investigated through the industrial design methodology, to understand and redefine the relationship between the spatial system (the public and private environment), the treatment of margins (borders external and internal partitions) and design products.
Processed to produce.
Processing of the following tables in A3 format is required:
- 6 tables / group of ANALYSIS (developed in groups of three students)
- 1 table / group of MOOD BOARD (developed in groups of three students)
- 1 table / group of STORY BOARD and CONCEPT (developed in groups of three
- 1 table / group of CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT (developed in groups of three
- 1 table / single on the INNOVATIVE MATERIAL that you intend to apply to the project (developed by the individual student).
The tables can be made in free technique, on the basis of a layout format that will be indicated by the professor.
The works must be delivered in both paper and electronic format (CD with pdf files).
Examination procedure.
The course includes laboratory activities to be carried out in the classroom and several mandatory verification and evaluation moments, ongoing and final:
- ongoing evaluations:
submission of the analysis of an interior design referred to a topic indicated by the professor; submission of the project Mood board; submission of the interior design concept; submission of a worksheet on the innovative material applied to the interior design proposal.
- final evaluation
final exhibition and presentation of the work carried out during the whole course.
Critical discussion on the topics covered during the course and on the results obtained.
The reference texts are shown in the program.