General concepts of clinical pathology: clinical samples, analytical technologies, statistical errors
2. Laboratory of acid-base balances:
a) Concepts of chemistry and biochemistry of acids and bases, pH, biological buffers
b) acidosis and alkalosis, acidemia and alkalemia
c) discussion of examples of alterations to laboratory tests in the aforementioned clinical conditions
3. Hematology laboratory:
a) blood count, analytical and sampling methods
4. Laboratory of cardiovascular diseases:
a) lipids and dyslipidaemias
b) atherosclerosis (with hints of pathophysiology and clinic)
c) diabetes (with hints of pathophysiology and clinical)
d) myocardial infarction
5. Electrolyte laboratory:
a) sodium
b) potassium
c) calcium
d) phosphate, chloride and other electrolytes of clinical interest