Definition, phases and biological significance of inflammation. Endogenous and exogenous causes of the inflammatory process. The cardinal signs of inflammation. The phases of the inflammatory process: vascular-blood phenomena, the mechanism of exudate formation, its chemical characteristics and biological functions. Fundamental phenomena and mechanisms that characterize the cellular response in inflammation, the blood and connective cells involved in the inflammatory process, margination and diapedesis, chemotaxis, phagocytosis. The histological phenomena resulting from the cellular response in inflammation. The mediators of inflammation of tissue origin (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, PAF, cytokines, histamine, leukocyte proteases, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen metabolites), of plasma origin (protease-kinin system, coagulation and fibrinolysis system, complementary system) and their effects
Morphological aspects of the acute inflammatory process: serous inflammation, fibrinous inflammation, purulent inflammation, allergic inflammation, catarrhal inflammation, hemorrhagic and necrotic hemorrhagic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation: causes, cells and mediators of chronic inflammation, phases of the chronic inflammatory process. Causes and histogenesis of chronic granulomatous inflammation. Structure of granulomas: tuberculoma, syphiloma, foreign body granuloma.
The intestinal microbiota and inflammation.
Healing process and outcomes of the inflammatory process: the regenerative and reparative mechanisms in the healing process, the biological mediators involved. Epithelial regeneration, connective tissue repair. The granulation tissue. Local and general factors implicated in alterations in the healing process.