The teaching of General Pathology contributes to the achievement of the educational objectives of the Course of Studies in Medicine and Surgery (PROFESSIONAL PROFILE OF THE EDUCATIONAL REGULATION:
“Graduates in Medicine and Surgery will be required to have:
the scientific bases and the theoretical-practical preparation necessary in accordance to European directives for the exercise of the medical profession and the methodology and culture necessary for the practice of lifelong learning, as well as a level of professional, decision-making and operational autonomy deriving from a training course characterized by a holistic approach to the health problems of healthy or sick people also in relation to the chemical-physical, biological and social environment that surrounds them.
• the essential theoretical knowledge deriving from the basic sciences, with a view to their subsequent professional application; the ability to detect and critically evaluate from a clinical point of view, and in a unitary vision, also extended to the socio-cultural and gender dimension, the data relating to the state of health and disease of the individual, interpreting them in the light of the scientific knowledge of basic physiopathology and organ and apparatus pathologies;
The Doctor-Surgeon must be aware of and understand: …......... OMISSIS……-
basic biological organization and basic biochemical and cellular processes of living organisms; …
- mechanisms of transmission and expression of genetic information at cellular and molecular level.
- Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student will be able to: know and understand, at various levels of complexity (molecules, cells, tissues, organism), the etiopathogenetic factors underlying the structural and functional alterations found in pathological processes, as well as the mechanisms damage response and related disorders.
-Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student must also be able to apply the knowledge derived from the Course, integrated with that deriving from the previous Courses, to the understanding of the pathophysiology of the main human pathologies. The student will be able to rationally address the clinical problem both in the diagnostic-therapeutic and in the preventive approach.
Transversal skills (Soft skills):
¬ Making judgments
The student will be able to collect and interpret the data useful for independently defining judgments.
¬ Communications skills
The student will be able to communicate information to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
¬ Learning skills
The student, through the methodological criterion that the study of General Pathology provides, will be able to develop the skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy. The student will be able to describe and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the different methodological approaches available for the identification of specific genetic alterations that cause pathological phenotype. The student must be able to understand and comment on scientific articles related to the course topics.