The teaching contributes to the achievement of the educational objective of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery to train doctors to be able to use the appropriate epidemiological and statistical tools to reduce the area of uncertainty in the detection and interpretation of clinical data and to evaluate diagnostic decisions, and prognostic and therapeutic aspects
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the lessons the student must:
-Know and use the main tools to organize and describe Biomedical information.
- Know and use the main analytical tools to draw general conclusions from biomedical information
-Knowing and using key research models to identify health risk factors
-Know and use the main tools to identify prognostic factors
-Know and use the main tools to interpret the reliability and relevance of diagnostic tests
-Know and use the main tools to critically analyse the results of clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of medical interventions
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the lessons the student must be able to :
-Describe the difference between descriptive and analytical epidemiology
-Explain the differences between the concepts of prevalence and incidence
-Explain what an RR, RA, OR is
-Interpret the standardised rates by the direct and indirect methods
-Describe the characteristics, advantages and limitations of epidemiological studies
Autonomy of judgment
At the end of the lessons the student must:
-be able to critically analyse the results of clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of medical interventions.
Communication skills
At the end of the lessons the student must:
-be able to use the appropriate language to illustrate the epidemiological tools acquired.