In relation to the general objectives of the Degree Course, the teaching of Business Organization, placed at the beginning of the second year of study, has the aim of introducing students to the formation of the basic principles of the science of organization to understand schemes, structures and processes organizational aspects of a company. In order to encourage students to have a good and correct reading and interpretation of a company organization, account must be taken of both the process of generating organizational behavior, through the network of relationships that make up a running company, and the process of construction of an adequate structure to support the activities carried out.
At the end of the course, students will have knowledge of the systemic processes through which a business organization emerges. In particular, interpersonal and eco-systemic relational systems as regards human resources and decision-making and interdependence systems of activities as regards productive resources.
At the end of the course, students will have gained a good ability to discern and apply these processes in a private and working environment and such as to be able to favor rapid insertion into the organizational dynamics necessary both for starting up and managing a business.