Introduction to the study of Hygiene.
Hygiene objectives: scientific, educational and operational.
Concept of health, risk and illness
Outline of Epidemiology
Definition and purpose of epidemiology, frequency measurements of
health events, association measures, epidemiological studies
Food hygiene
Food preservation: purpose; issues; main means
and technologies
Food deterioration: Alterations; adulteration; adulteration;
Food contamination: biological contamination, chemical contamination, physical contamination.
Epidemiology and prophylaxis of the main food poisonings:
Cl. botulinum, Salmonella spp.
St. aureus poisoning, Cl. perfringens,
B. cereus infection, minor toxins, mycotoxins
Control and self-control of food chains: the HACCP system; Risk analysis: assessment, management and communication of risks and related hazards
to foods.