The course aims to provide some basic knowledge related to the formation and evolution of the discipline and proposes, through a case study, an experience of reading and interpreting the modalities of the contemporary territory through the identification of the forms and materials of which it is composed.
To this end, three teaching modules are proposed which include theoretical insights and comparisons with practical experiences:
Module 1- from the formation of modern urban planning to the current scenarios of the discipline.
A cycle of communications illustrates the fundamental phases of the transformations of the discipline
Module 2 - the techniques
2.1 a cycle of communications relating to the reading and drafting of basic and thematic maps
2.2 a cycle of communications to introduce some notions relating to the most common urban planning techniques (parameters, indices ...)
Module 3- Urban planning and climate change: the new "city shape"
The case study aims to bring students closer to the new forms of the city, of which the suburban area represents, today, one of the most problematic places.
The urban condition incorporates, in addition to the inherited forms of the compact and intensive city, discontinuous settlement morphologies that differ in shape and density in close contact with strips of agricultural and natural landscape. The recent disciplinary history of urban planning has progressively registered and accepted in its interpretative systems the problematic nature of this new urban status: not only settlements in whose meshes residues of agricultural mosaics or agricultural soils are incorporated in marginal areas that resist the thrusts of urbanization, but complex landscapes in which the open, rural and natural space, traditionally foreign to the forma urbis, makes up economies of relevant parts of the territory. Some practices deal with a design and regulatory dimension that underlies the new relationship of mutual utility between city and countryside, welcoming natural landscapes.
The approach to the topic will be articulated through a cycle of communications relating to the most significant experience in the national and international field and a work on the case study of the city of Pescara, along the river.
1. C. G. Nuti, Urban planning in the architect's training, Aracne 2003
2. Patrizia Gabellini, Urban planning techniques, Carocci publisher, Rome, 2001
3. K. Lynch, The image of the city, Marsilio, Padua 2006
4. M. Manigrasso, The adaptive city, Quodlibet 2019
- specific bibliographic material relating to the case study.
During the lessons, specific bibliographical indications will be provided for further study
of the individual topics covered.
- Sources and documents
Cartographic materials and urban plans relating to the case study are provided in digital format.
Exam methods
During the year, intermediate checks are carried out on the level of learning in relation to the practical activity (urban planning exercises). The final examination (exam) refers to the deepening of the texts in the bibliography, and to the processing capacity related to the study area. The assessment will be carried out through an individual interview. The final assessment will also be carried out in relation to the attendance and learning progression of each student.
The attendance of Urban Planning course is ascertained through student presence signatures that are periodically carried out during the year.
The course calendar with the dates and times in which the individual teaching activities will take place, the intermediate assessment tests and the final exam will be presented in the first lesson, during the presentation of the course topics.