The assessment of learned concepts consists in an oral exam. The marking scheme is in thirtieths, the exam will be passed if the grade is equal or superior to 18/30. Working students will be advantaged. Exams timetables advertisement is guaranteed within the final grade of the examination
The marking scheme will take in consideration the following indicators: content:
pertinence and fairness
In Depth: 29-27
Discrete with some gaps: 24-26
Fully Sufficient: 21-23
Sufficient with evident gaps: 18-20
Indicators: proper scientific language, good communication skills
Original and sophisticated: 30
Precise and detailed: 29-27
Adeguate: 26-24
Fully sufficient: 23-21
Sufficient: 20-18
The final grade will derive from the mean between the written and oral examination.
In order to pass the exam, students have to meet the minimum of 18/30.