Knowledge and understanding. The course will provide the necessary elements to understand the theoretical-scientific foundations of biomechanical modeling of biological materials and systems from the micro- to the macro-scale, with specific attention to the biomedical applications.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The students will acquire the required knowledge to understand scientific treatises and their transposition into biomechanical mathematical models in view of the numerical simulations of physiological and pathological behaviors of tissues, organs, and biological systems, in general. Thanks to innovative teaching methodologies, the students will learn how to introduce a theme to the whole class developing skills of rational thinking at the basis of the building of biomechanical models.
Making judgements. Students will be conducted to develop their own analytical and critical skills, learning the required knowledge for the evaluation of biomechanical models in biomedical applications.
Communication skills. At the end of the course, the students will develop communicative skills such as setting up a dialog with international experts in biomechanical research by using scientific jargon.
Learning skills. Students will be able to retrieve information from the specific scientific literature and will be able to build up biomechanical models of biological systems.