- General information on living matter and chemical composition. Water and its properties.
- The chemical-physical and biological properties of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
- Main generalities on viruses.
- Cell organization.
- Structure of biological membranes and cell-environment interactions.
-Principles of thermodynamics applied to biological systems, generality on the structure and functions of enzymes.
- Energy bases of conservation of cellular organization, role and synthesis mechanisms of ATP
in conditions of aerobiosis and anaerobiosis.
- Mitosis, Meiosis, phases and regulation of the cell cycle.
- General characteristics of DNA. Flow of genetic information from one cell generation to another e
DNA duplication, DNA organization in the cell.
- RNA and information flow within the cell, transcription mechanisms and genetic code,
protein synthesis, postsynthetic fate of proteins, glycosylation.
- Regulation of gene expression.
-Structure of nerve tissue cells and modes of information transport via electrical impulses.
- Signal transduction.
- Endocrine regulation.
- Immune system. Non specific and specific defense mechanisms. Humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
Immunological memory.
- Asexual and sexual reproduction. Human reproduction.
- The Darwinian concept of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution.
- Microevolution and macroevolution. Evolution of Primates.
- Biology of the mind