When lectures begin, students attending classes will be provided access to the course’s bibliographic references on their e-learning platforms. These references include the lecturer’s volumes and slides based on the topics discussed in class.
link to teaching materials: https://elearning.unich.it/course/view.php?id=1322
To gain familiarity and knowledge with the course topics, students not attending classes must read and analyse two scientific papers on evaluation and management of developmental Dyslexia. These are:
1) C. CORNOLDI e P. TRESSOLDI: Linee guida per la diagnosi dei profili di dislessia e disortografia previsti dalla legge 170: Invito a un dibattito. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo – Il Mulino -18(1):75-92, Aprile 2014.
2) C. CORNOLDI, P. TRESSOLDI, L. TRETTI, C. VIO: Il primo strumento compensativo per un alunno con dislessia: un efficiente metodo di studio. DILESSIA – Edizioni Erickson- Vol. 7, n. 1, gennaio 2010 (pp. 77-87).
You can find both papers in this EPG’s e-learning page.