In compliance with the provisions of the teaching regulations in article no. 3 "Specific training objectives and expected skills", the module aims to provide the student with the necessary tools to:
• the identification of basic and specific nursing care needs in the medical-surgical field
• the development of related care plans, with the identification of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes.
• Therapeutic education aimed at self-care in the medical and surgical fields
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module the student will be able to:
understand the fields of intervention of nursing, the clinical method that guides an effective approach to assistance, operational intervention techniques and the evidence that guides decision-making in the clinic
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The module qualifies the student to:
integrate knowledge with nursing skills and attitudes to provide evidence-based care,
use the theoretical knowledge of nursing, biological, humanistic, behavioral, psychological and social sciences to identify the needs of the people assisted, respecting age, groups and communities,
provide evidence-based nursing care to achieve health outcomes or compensation,
conduct a complete and systematic assessment of healthcare needs, starting from the analysis and processing of the data collected,
evaluate the specific results of the assistance provided and those obtained in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team,
plan the provision of nursing care and its management in the various hospital, local and residential care contexts, with particular attention to nursing discharge and continuity of care
Transversal skills
Autonomy of judgement
Ability to:
make healthcare decisions keeping in mind clinical and healthcare priorities,
decide on care interventions and personalize them based on clinical, psychosocial and cultural variables,
critically evaluate the outcomes of healthcare decisions taken on the basis of the outcomes of the person assisted and the standards of care,
use the scientific approach in problem solving
Communication skill
- Use relevant communication skills with clients, family and team members in appropriate verbal, non-verbal and written form
Ability to learn
Demonstrate ability to learn and develop self-study skills
Demonstrate ability and autonomy to critically select secondary and primary sources of research evidence
Demonstrate self-evaluation skills