The assesment method is based on an oral exam during which the student must show to identify nursing needs and nursing diagnosis about several disease and planning a specific nursing in different situations
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths, the exam is passed if the evaluation is equal or superior to eighteen/thirthy (18/30) and if the student passes all the teachings of the integrated course.
The assesement of insufficiency is not accompanied by a vote.
Praise may be granted unanimously, if the final grade is thirthy
The publicity of the exam is assured and the communication of the final result of the test and its evaluation are published
For the evaluation of the oral exam, the following assesment schedule will be considered
CONTENT: correctness and relevance DESCRIPTORS:
complete: 30
extensive: 29-27
discrete even with some gaps: 26-24 fully enough: 23-21
just enough with obvious shortcomings: 20-18
ARGUMENTS: breadth and coherence DESCRIPTORS:
rigorous and documented highlighting ability to use the acquired knowledge and to link it in the argumentation: 30
precise and detailed: 29-27 appropriate: 26-24
fully enough: 23-21
just enough: 20-18
Expressive correctness, property of scientific language, communicative ability
refined and original: 30
clear, flowing and correct: 29-27 discrete: 26-24
sufficient: 23-21
not fully adequate: 20-18
the final mark of the module will derive from the mathematical average of the all exam
to pass the exam you must obtain a grade of not less than 18/30
to achieve a score of 30/30 cum laude, the student must demonstrate that he has acquired an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered during the course, being able to link them in a logical and coherent way