The Architectural Composition Course 1 - course of 14 CFU - is conducted in two parts: the first in the Workshop (4cfu) at the end of January (on the theme of a small habitable space-room, starting from a project by Yona Friedman, "the ville des réfugiés ", 2019), while the Course (10cfu) in the second semester will cover the study and design of a single house (with a theme and location that will be communicated directly in the first week of the course, in the classroom).
The theme of the single house - and the relationship with the external space and the needs of a "client" - as required by express needs - is the basic theme of the first year course, with respect to which theme, other disciplines and courses will also rotate. strongly contribute to the construction of a "cross" didactic path on some themes and parts of the program (such as the teaching of "Architectural Design", "History of Architecture" and "Materials and design of construction elements", with which will strongly share moments of comparison and thematic passages, to allow the student to enjoy interdisciplinary transfers and build technical, cognitive and cultural relationships through the "architectural project".
Francesco Cellini, “Manualetto” Francesco Cellini
Ludovico Quaroni, “Progettare un edificio, otto lezioni di Architettura”
Herman Hertzberger, “Lezioni di architettura”
Joseph Rykwert, "La casa di Adamo in Paradiso",
Le Corbusier, "la casa degli uomini",
Luigi Figini, "L'elemento verde e l'abitazione",
Luca Molinari, "le case che siamo",
Emanuele Coccia, "Filosofia della casa",
Massimiliano Giberti, "La casa è un sogno",
Maurizio Vitta, “Dell’abitare”
Georges Perec, “Specie di spazi”
Alberto Ulisse, “Modelli di case”
Ulteriori aggiornamenti della bibliografia saranno indicati durante le lezioni.
For the "Architectural Composition 1" the objective is to acquire tools for the analysis and design of simple architectural elements applied to the single housing scale (internal / external relationships, applications of new technologies and materials, experimentation of innovative housing models ).
Furthermore, the course aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical tools for architectural design, offering the basics of design at the scale of single accommodation, through a rich and complex experience that will lead each student to think and define. the space in which we live and work, its size and identity, also through the study of reference projects.
Finally, the program of the Composition 1 course has as its educational objective, the study of "Integrated Architectural Composition" with other disciplines of the same year: such as the "Course of Materials and design of construction elements" to give the student the application tools of materials and construction technologies, aimed at a correct use of materials within a basic design experience (in collaboration and with the coordination of the Course of Materials and design of construction elements, in parallel in the second semester).
The course will provide the basic knowledge necessary for the simultaneous and interdependent control of the various design aspects: the technical-constructive, the distributive-functional and the compositional-formal, as well as the main historical references relating to the case studies, coordinated with the courses of History of 'Architecture 1 (in the first semester) and Descriptive Geometry (in the first semester).
At the end of the course, students must have acquired the basic preparation relating to the knowledge and control of forms, materials and technologies, which are essential for understanding and governing the relationship between idea, project and realization of architecture, between idea and project. , between form and structure, between material and light, between architectural culture and application practice.
Knowledge of the reading, interpretative and representative tools of architecture, thanks to the support of the "Drawing and Descriptive Geometry" course, held in the first semester, with which the course will activate activities of close relationship and collaboration on themes, authors and projects of study (related to the year theme).
Knowledge and understanding of a written text and a technical paper.
Ability and use of computers and hand drawing and preparation for the construction of study models and project maquettes.
Creativity, passion and love for architecture.
The course is designed as the first part of a two-year course (first and second year) and is divided into a workshop of 4 CFU, (which can be considered a concentrated version of the old course of Theories and Techniques of Architectural Design), followed by the course main course (10 CFU) in turn organized into three exercises, of different duration.
In addition, it is a consolidated practice in this faculty for the teachers of Composition 1 to teach Composition 2 the following academic year, usually bringing with them most of the students of the previous year (without any obligation, of course). Given this custom, the organization of the Composition 1 course, the topics covered, the topics covered by the lectures, the architects illustrated, the exercises carried out are preparatory to the next course, which, moreover, is organized assuming the previous one.
Preliminary workshop: the course starts with an immersive and intensive experience, lasting six days. The workshop is divided into lessons and exercises, and both are necessary to provide students with the essential rudiments for effective communication and for the knowledge of the simple elements of architecture (What is a wall? What is a window? is a bedroom made? etc ...)
Main course consists of: "Cognitive exercises on the themes of the house in the landscape" (through the study of reference projects, in collaboration with the work of the Descriptive Geometry Course), taken up and expanded during the first weeks of the Composition 1 course; "Design exercise" on the theme of the single dwelling, declining "parts" "elements" "themes" (variants and invariants) traced and emerged during the study and the cognitive investigation ", (thanks to the support of some dedicated lessons in the History of 'architecture on the theme of the house) and the definition of an architectural project and its ability to manage spatial configurative models, construction elements and materials (thanks to the comparison between the Composition Course 1 and the Materials and Design Course of construction elements ).
Other information will be communicated directly in the classroom during lesson hours and / or collective reviews.
Verification of learning will take place week after week through individual reviews of students' projects.
Before Easter there will be a "mid-term review" where students will report the progress of their project, according to the indications that will be established.
The final exam will focus on the presentation of their projects, on the answer to specific questions related to the projects regarding the layout of the spaces, the routes, the functions and materials and simple technological solutions.
The exam will be individual and will consist of a discussion on the results of all the exercises, on the topics covered by the various lessons and contributions, on the compulsory texts. Each exercise will be subject to specific assessment and all assessments will contribute to determining the grade of the final exam.
The evaluation of the work and the final grade will also be defined in relation to the results of the partial evaluations and the evaluation of the Workshop carried out in January 2023.